
The player must interact with the puzzles by crafting the appropriate combination of liquid effects to create the desired effects. Such effects include the area of effect (AoE) of the potions or knockback. Through these effects the player will be able to change the path or behavior of critters as well as move blocks (and platforms), trigger events or even deflect the trajectories of falling objects.


Shalka is attacked by an unknown entity and her shadow separates from her body. The shadow has fled into the dungeons! With your soul deteriorating, you must navigate the dungeon's puzzles to recover your shadow.


WASD - Movement

Space - Jump 

Hotkeys - 1 to use Knockback potion, 2 to use Speed increase potion, 3 to use shrinking potion.

E and Q - Select E to select AoE Size and Q to select Blast Timer

Game Design Document:

Development log

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